Bread and Butter Rosé 750ml
Bread and Butter Rosé 750ml
- Delivery within 1-2 hrs
- COD payment available
- Free shipping on orders above P1,500
Bread and Butter Rosé 2020 is a delightful pink wine that comes in a 750ml bottle. Crafted by the Bread and Butter winery, this rosé wine is known for its refreshing and vibrant characteristics.
Rosé wines are typically made from red grape varietals, where the skins are in contact with the juice for a shorter period compared to red wines. This limited contact imparts a beautiful pink color and a unique flavor profile.
How fast will I receive my order?
We dispatch orders almost immediately once payment is received. Delivery times may vary from 30-90 mins depending on traffic conditions.
What payment methods are available?
We accept debit/credit cards, GCash, Bank transfers
This is a gift. Can my order be shipped to someone else?
Yes, absolutely! Just enter the recipient's delivery address when you checkout.