Kozel 1874 Dark 330ml
Kozel 1874 Dark 330ml
- Delivery within 60 minutes in Metro Manila
- COD payment available
- Free shipping on orders above P1,500. Promo Code: FREESHIP
Kozel 1874 Dark is a beer known for its rich and flavorful taste. It comes in a 330ml bottle and is popular among beer enthusiasts who appreciate dark and robust brews.
Kozel 1874 Dark is a Czech beer that boasts a deep, mahogany color and a creamy tan head. It has a distinctive aroma that combines notes of roasted malt, caramel, and hints of chocolate. The flavor profile is characterized by a complex blend of roasted malt sweetness, caramelized undertones, and a slight bitterness that balances the beer.
How fast will I receive my order?
We dispatch orders almost immediately once payment is received. Delivery times may vary from 30-90 mins depending on traffic conditions.
What payment methods are available?
We accept debit/credit cards, GCash, Bank transfers
This is a gift. Can my order be shipped to someone else?
Yes, absolutely! Just enter the recipient's delivery address when you checkout.