Lemon-Dou Signature Lemon 5% alc. 330ml
Lemon-Dou Signature Lemon 5% alc. 330ml
- Delivery within 1-2 hrs
- COD payment available
- Free shipping on orders above P1,500
Lemon-Dou Signature Lemon is a vibrant and flavorful beverage that captures the essence of refreshing lemons in a convenient 330ml can. With a moderate alcohol content of 5%, it offers a light and enjoyable option for those looking to savor a citrusy and lightly alcoholic drink.
When you pop open the can, a delightful aroma of freshly squeezed lemons immediately fills the air, creating a sense of anticipation. The scent is vibrant, tangy, and invigorating, promising a truly refreshing experience.
How fast will I receive my order?
We dispatch orders almost immediately once payment is received. Delivery times may vary from 30-90 mins depending on traffic conditions.
What payment methods are available?
We accept debit/credit cards, GCash, Bank transfers
This is a gift. Can my order be shipped to someone else?
Yes, absolutely! Just enter the recipient's delivery address when you checkout.